
Water Safety Programmes

Water is not sterile. It can harbor bacteria such as Legionella, which can cause severe illness and even death. Recent outbreaks confirm that Legionella is not limited to any geographic area or industry; a Legionella outbreak can happen anywhere.
We offer a comprehensive approach to help you manage water safety risk and control Legionella in even the most complex building water systems.

The Problem

Legionella bacteria is naturally present in surface water. The municipal water that enters your building is not sterile. Once Legionella enters your facility, it can grow and contaminate your:

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Sinks and Showers Icon

Sinks and Showers

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Cooling Tower Icon

Cooling Towers

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Spas and Hot Tubs

Spas and Hot Tubs

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Atomizers and Misters

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Decorative Fountains Icon

Decorative Fountains

Legionella becomes dangerous when people inhale contaminated mist:

  • It can cause Legionnaires’ disease or Pontiac fever
  • More than 100,000 reported cases per year*
  • The number of cases has risen by 400% since 2000**

*Source: U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
**Source: World Health Organisation, Claims and Litigation Management Journal

Business Impact


Duty of Responsible Care dictates you can be held responsible for an outbreak that occurs at your facility. The impact of an outbreak is both social and economic:

  • 1 out of 10 people who contract Legionnaires’ disease will die*
  • Each outbreak costs an average of $10.6 million**

The biggest challenges today in managing water risk:

  • Legionella test results take time
  • The variables influencing Legionella growth are complex
  • Consistent execution of your water safety plan

Water Risk Management Solutions

Nalco Water is a global leader in water safety programmes, offering a holistic approach to water risk management.


Water Management Plans
Tailored to your operation and compliant with ASHRAE Standard 188
Learn more about Water Management Plans

Water Safety Intelligence
Digital solution helping proactively manage & quickly address Legionella risk across your enterprise
Learn more about Water Safety Intelligence


Supplemental Disinfection Systems
Continuous treatment strategies to reduce waterborne pathogens in building water systems
Learn more about Supplemental Disinfection



Legionella Testing
Our CDC-ELITE certified laboratory conducts more Legionella analysis than any other organisation in the world


Cooling Tower Cleaning & Disinfection
Disinfection of your online cooling water system and safe return to normal operating conditions
Learn more about Cooling Tower Cleaning & Disinfection

Point-of-Use Filters
An added line of defence against waterborne pathogens for immediate outbreak or incident response

Programmes, Products, Equipment and Services

Explore our Water Safety Offerings