
Cooling Tower Passivation

Corrosion of metal can be prevented through the use of an effective protective barrier. It is therefore extremely important to properly prepare a surface to receive protection, then quickly and completely apply the protecting media to effectively protect that surface. Preparing the surface may be called pre-treatment or passivation.

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Nalco Water offers chemistries to keep surfaces clean and protected for asset protection and less system downtime.

The 3D TRASAR® Cooling System Passivation Programme:

  • Is easy to use and apply -- one-step cleaning and passivation programme.
  • Can be supplied with the system's first fill or during hydro-testing to minimise flash rusting.
  • Eliminates concern over calcium or iron phosphate deposition during passivation
  • Does not require heavy blowdown to rid the system of phosphate prior to unit start-up/heat load
  • Minimizes production downtime by providing a fast return to normal operation
  • Provides an easy transition to normal cooling system operation
  • Uses real-time monitoring to easily control the amount of chemicals required during passivation