TOPCLIN Multi Purpose
Multi-Surface Cleaner
An Ecolabel accredited, multi-purpose surface cleaner for the removal of dirt and grease leaving surfaces clean and shiny.
Product Overview
An Ecolabel accredited, multi-purpose surface cleaner for the removal of dirt and grease leaving surfaces clean and shiny.
- Great material compatibility for use on multiple cleaning surfaces, glass and floors
- Pleasant and long lasting perfume
- DIN 18032 certified for sports halls to improve slip resistance. For manual and low-foam machine use
- For use on water resistant hard surfaces and floors. Ideal for daily maintenance and cleaning of offices, public buildings, medical centres, schools, leisure facilities etc.
- 6x1L
- 2x5L
- DE/020/425
EU Ecolabel Awarded - DE/020/425
The EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle: from raw material extraction, to production, distribution and disposal. The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the manufacturing process.
- Always wear recommended PPE when handling the product
- Prepare cleaning solution
- Apply solution to surface dispensing via spray bottle or bucket, wipe and clean surfaces
- Rinse food contact surfaces with fresh water and a clean cloth, allow surface to air dry
- Always wear recommended PPE when handling the product
- Prepare the cleaning solution
- Place warning signs for safety, Sweep area to remove heavy or loose soil
- Using mop apply solution to floor, mop using figure of 8 motion
- Leave to air dry
View and watch our video 'how to' guides found in our video gallery to ensure effective cleaning using the TOPCLIN product range.

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